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Stroke Button

The Stroke Button provides access to options for setting the attributes of a line (stroke). Tap on the Stroke Button located in the Drawing Toolbar to open the Sidebar and access these attribute options.

Click or Tap on the corresponding Stroke Attribute name to learn more about what the option does.

Attribute Name Description
Stroke Visibility The Stroke Visibility option is an “On/Off” toggle button for setting the visibility of strokes or lines of a figure(s). The border or line of a figure is not drawn when this option is disabled (OFF).
Start The Start option sets the style of the beginning portion of a created line.
Line The Line option sets the style of the line being created.
End The End option sets the style of the ending portion of a created line.
Stroke Size The Stroke Size option sets the width of a stroke in pixels.
Line Cap The Line Cap option sets the cap of a line to Butt, Rounded, or Square.
Line Join The Line Join option sets the join of a line to Mitered, Rounded, or Beveled.
Location The Location option sets the location where the line will join with another object.
Line Color The Line Color options located on the left hand side of the Stroke Window are used to specify the color and transparency of a stroke.

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